The hidden reason that only 2% parents know why kids watching porn

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According to the survey, more than 60% of kids watching porn because they want to learn about gender and sex, a proportion that is not small at all and continues to increase. They believe that the knowledge accessed at school is not helpful and effective enough. Also, parents are still afraid to educate and talk openly to their children about these sensitive topics.

When kids have questions but their questions are not fully answered, it seems that they can only look for friends and finally go online to look for porn. So, do not scold or get angry when your kids watching porn – Your child just wants to learn about gender! 

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Kids watching porn and the hidden reason – Learn about gender 

Pornography is “by default” a source of information about gender and sexuality for children

According to research by the National Union of Students (NUS), the majority of teenagers watch porn to learn about gender and sex. Most children believe that the sexual information they are exposed to at school is ineffective.

NUS research surveyed more than 2,500 high school students in the UK and found that 60% of kids watching porn for more information about gender and sexuality — although almost 75% even admit that watching porn actually creates unrealistic expectations. But, what other way does the child have?

Of the students surveyed, 75% said the sex-related curriculums at school were impractical and rated them as poor or not helpful. In addition, 50% of children said that the issues they really need to know about gender and sexuality are not covered in class.

This is why so many kids (and probably your kids) unknowingly become “students” of internet pornography. And in a negative and undesirable way, pornography is seen as a reliable source of information about sex.

kids watching porn

So, does pornography “educate” your children about sex and gender in the right way?

Watching porn to learn about gender and sexuality is like having your child learn to drive by watching car chases in an action movie. This means that content on porn is exaggerated, unrealistic, and dissimilar to real life.

That’s why so many children who are regularly exposed to pornography have unrealistic views of their relationships, distorted beliefs in healthy relationships, and less respect for their partner, because simply put, the two appear in the movies just satisfying each other’s needs.

An unfortunate reality of today’s society is that whether they really want to or not, lots of teenagers learn about sex by watching porn. And again, numerous studies have repeatedly found that children who consume large amounts of pornography are more likely to:

  • Start having sex at an earlier age (earlier sex drive)
  • Have sex with more partners
  • Engaging in dangerous and unsafe sex behaviors puts them at risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

The conclusion is that the lessons pornography is teaching your kids will have disastrous results.

According to the survey, topics learned in class are less realistic and more biology-based. The curriculum often includes things like anatomy, puberty, sexual health, and contraception. While all of this information is basic and essential, your child today needs more in-depth knowledge of how and why what happens during puberty and during sex.

kids watching porn

According to Jack Wallington, students frequently report a lack of practical advice or that the information they receive is incomplete or inaccurate about sex. Since then, there are more and more gaps of unanswered questions, and their needs are unmet, so students have to satisfy their curiosity and questions through friends and the Internet.

While pornography offers a shallow perspective on that in the most counterproductive and misleading way possible, it at least provides more information (in an incredibly vivid and addictive way) than what’s given by schools out there.

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Why is this seriously important?

Pornography is filled with ideas and beliefs that are the exact opposite of what healthy relationships and true love are like.

You already know, and we believe you want to show your child that healthy relationships are built on equality, honesty, respect, and mutual love. But in porn it’s the opposite: images of interactions based mainly on male dominance, disrespect, and violence. No emotions. No feelings.

As a result, according to research, your children (especially boys) will lose sensitivity to rape victims, lose empathy for women, and instead see women as sexual tools and an item of male sexual gratification.

Some of the harmful effects of pornography are:

  • High risk of addiction: when children watch pornography, an amount of dopamine will be released in the brain, creating excited, eager feelings. When large amounts are released too quickly, addiction occurs. Since the brain can’t immediately process high levels of dopamine, it builds a wall with tolerance for pornography. This means less dopamine is released.

How to Block Porn effectively

As a result, your child will be motivated to watch more porn or to watch more extreme and violent porn to get back to the original excitement.

  • Disrespect women or have violent attitudes and behaviors toward women
  • Low self-image/body image issues: In porn movies, actors appear with extremely perfect and attractive bodies. Male actors are strong, and muscular while female actors have sexy curves. This makes boys worry about penis size or not being muscular enough to attract girls. As for girls, they worry that their body is not thin or attractive enough to keep boys.
  • Poor academic performance:  Once addicted to pornography, it is difficult for your child to quit, hence outdoor activities, family outings, etc. are all put aside and, of course, learning is no exception.
  • Risk of other addictions: substance, drug, alcohol, etc.

Uống rượu bia khi chưa đủ tuổi - từ lâu đã trở thành xu hướngWhat should parents do to protect their children from pornography?

For heaven’s sake: Never get angry or lose your temper

The timeless answer for what to do if you catch your child watching. Curiosity about gender is a natural part of your child’s development and so don’t yell at him just because he’s curious about sex. Once caught, your child may feel embarrassed, upset, or scared. This is something every child will feel, but how you react can make a huge difference and have a lasting effect on your relationship with your child.

Instead of making your child feel like they’ve done something wrong or done something very serious, make sure you approach them calmly. This will help them feel more comfortable opening up and listening.

Look at the issue with a positive eye, and see it as an opportunity to talk and discuss the topic of gender with your child. You may need to update yourself with some basic gender terms first or figure out why porn is so addictive or how to talk to your kids about age-appropriate pornography age.

what to do if you catch your child watchingActive conversation and discussion why porn is harmful

When your child starts using the Internet – it’s a good time to start talking about porn. Pornography is one of the sensitive issues that need to be addressed. Many parents think that this type of conversation “erases” their child’s innocence, but in fact, talking is one of the best ways to protect your child from the negative impact of pornography on children’s development.

Listen and be open to what your child says. If your child has questions, it’s best to keep them short and honest and don’t make up answers if you don’t know the answer.

You should reassure them that your child is not in trouble and that you will be happy when he tells you about it. Then try to understand what your child is feeling through some questions like:

  • How do you feel when you watch pornography?
  • What did you do after seeing it?
  • Do you like watching porn?

how to keep your child safe onlinePraise your child for speaking to you and let them know that you are always there to answer anything that is scary or confusing. According to Miranda Horvath, a gender researcher, and professor of psychology at Middlesex University, parents start teaching their children about equality and respect when they are 5 or 6 years old when they come across porn.

Wisely use technology to keep children safe online

Talking is one of the best ways to help your child actively stay away from porn, but don’t be subjective because up to 70% of children UNINTENTIONALLY access pornography through misdirected links, spam via emails, ads, or pop-up ads on websites that have nothing to do with pornography.

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So, how to keep your child safe online?

Always remember that your child’s brain is quite vulnerable, that’s why to ensure your child’s online environment is safe and healthier, you should consider using an additional online content filtering tool – considered by many parents as one of the best free parental control software to hide 15 types of harmful content on the Internet, including:

  • Pornography
  • Horrifying content like gore, accidents, ghosts, violence, murder, terrorism, etc
  • Content about stimulants, addictive substances such as alcohol, beer, marijuana, drugs, etc
  • Content with aggressive elements, hurting others like Hate speech

This free porn blocker extension can help to minimize your child’s access to harmful content, ensuring a healthy online environment for your child but at the same time, not invading their privacy rights.

Wise modern parents are always proactive in bringing the best for their children. To better protect your child from all porn sites, for all internet-connected devices your child use, you should pre-order a Wifi Device, becoming the first parents to own the solution which 24/7 protects your kids from harmful websites. Best prices are always available for early birds!

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