Negative effects of porn: Body image issues

Chidren come to harm online

As you know, pornography is the culprit behind the decline in sex life quality, pornography addiction, sexual violence against women, child pornography, etc. However, there is another equally important aspect: how has pornography created body image issues for your children? 

This article will help you understand more closely one of the negative effects of porn: Body image issues.

Body image issues: Obsessed with the bodies in porn

Many teenagers in qualitative research claim that

pornography actually negatively impacts the way they perceive their bodies. 

This has a significant impact on the child’s mental health when girls constantly feel worried about their small breasts, not being thin enough or not having body curves like porn actors. For boys, this mostly revolves around penis size, although some also report feeling anxious about not having the attractively muscular strength to attract other girls.

In the same survey, parents – especially mothers – are more concerned about their child’s body image issues than ever under the pressure of pornography.

For those with a son, they are concerned that boys will have unrealistic expectations about a woman’s appearance after watching porn. For example, a father had to explain to his child the unrealistic appearance of a female body in the porn movies he watched. This came after an occasion when his son said he was not attracted to what was described as “normal women with normal bodies”.

body image issues

Meanwhile, girls think that boys will judge their bodies based on the standards of porn actors. And that those guys would expect girlfriends to look and act sexier and would compare their bodies to those in porn videos.

A 17-year-old girl from Washington said she thought of “anal bleaching because the body of female porn stars looks absolutely perfect. Besides, the actors also remove the labia to improve their body aesthetics. When looking at images like that, the girls will think “Wow, that’s what I need to do that to make a guy love me”.

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Among those who have viewed pornography and made an opinion:

  • 29% agreed that they felt bad about their bodies when they saw the way actors’ bodies are in porn. This perception does not show any difference between boys and girls.
  • 35% agreed that they were worried about what other people think of them because they don’t look like the actors they see in porn.” Again, there is no difference between boys and girls in this perception.

body image issues in teens

What parents need to do to prevent kids’ body image issues?

During adolescence (10-19 years old), especially when your child is before the age of 18, you need to have regular these intimate discussions with your child on issues related to gender.

When your child is in puberty, he or she is greatly influenced by the impact around them – images of porn actors can completely distort their body image, they will misinterpret them that this is their right body, which leads to fasting, anxiety disorders, and depression.

body image issues

Therefore, in an age that is prone to approach porn, besides talking with your children regularly about negative effects of porn, using internet safety tips for children, you need to be more proactive in ensuring the healthy psychological and cognitive development of your children.

Parents can use best free parental control software for kids to protect them when online. Over 36,000 parents have also installed one of the best porn blocker – CyberPurify Kids to hide 15 types of harmful content on the Internet, including:

  • Pornography
  • Horrifying content like gore, accidents, ghosts, violence, murder, terrorism, etc
  • Content about stimulants, addictive substances such as alcohol, beer, marijuana, drugs, etc
  • Content with aggressive elements, hurting others like Hate speech

The special thing is that this extension is completely free, helps to minimize your child’s access to harmful content, ensuring a healthy online environment for your child but at the same time, not invading their privacy rights.

why is watching porn harmful to children

As you know, pornography is addictive, as long as your child sees an explicit image (intentionally or not), it will lure your child to continue to learn about it.

But you know there is a high chance that your innocent child could be exposed to such harmful content, leading to porn addiction, poor academic performance, or even imitation of dangerous behaviors.

We understand how scary it can be to think about your little one being exposed to harmful content, but don’t worry – you don’t have to face this alone! We have the best solution combine with porn blocker CyberPurify Kids – It’s call CyberPurify Egg content purifier.

content filtering software
CyberPurify Egg keeps your kids 24/7 safe from adult, creepy, confusing, scammy, and other harmful websites

Once you connect with CyberPurify Egg, your child will automatically be protected from not-for-kids materials on social media. No more worrying about your child stumbling upon inappropriate content– CyberPurify Egg has got you covered!

Parents can use CyberPurify Egg to set schedules to block social media during specific times

You can also set schedules to block social media during specific times, such as homework time, bedtime, and family time. Customize the schedule to fit your family’s unique needs and routines.

Parents can use CyberPurify Egg to set schedules to block social media during specific times

CyberPurify Egg is proud to be trusted by over 36,000 parents worldwide as one of the best parental controls for kids. No more struggling to pry your child away from the screen during dinner or bedtime!

CyberPurify Egg keeps you kids 24/7 safe from adult, creepy, confusing, scammy, and other harmful websites
CyberPurify Egg keeps you kids 24/7 safe from inappropriate content in search results

Get CyberPurify Egg – Your trusted ally in your children’s online journey now!

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