More and more boys and girls fall prey to the instant gratification of sexual fantasies and pornography. A good example is a group of male primary school students who embraced young female teachers. As for the female teachers, they don’t think much of it and think it’s cute. But what they don’t know is that for these boys, this is called a “boob club”.

In addition, many girls as young as 6th grade have suggested that masculinity equals sex. They insinuate that guys need to be sexually attractive and capable of making love.

The question is where do these elementary school students get all this information? Nothing but early exposure to pornography. The article helps you better understand Why the porn industry wants children.

Pornography is closer to your children than you think

Pornography has a powerful effect on a child’s brain, creating a desire for more and potentially lasting obsession. That’s why many children, even if they turn off their phones as soon as they see adult content, may one day search for it again as it is obsessed.

In short, it is much more common than you might think. The rise of social media, sex, and technology, in general, has created problems for both boys and girls being drawn to sexual content and experiences.

kid accidentaally see pornographic contentAccording to

  • About 11,000 “adult movies” are released every year
  • The porn industry earns $2.84 billion/year via the Internet – the industry as a whole is estimated to earn between $57-$100 billion/year.
  • The most searched term on the Internet is “sex”
  • 87% of college students say they have had sex via webcam or phone

Why the porn industry wants children?

Porn industry wants children because it is a huge business and they know how to increase their market share. They know the addictive nature of their product, especially for teenagers. So what can they know that the parent doesn’t?

During adolescence, your child is more likely to be motivated by the brain’s reward mechanism. When stimulated, the brain releases dopamine, creating a cascade effect of memory and motivation.

pornographic content on the InternetDopamine is not inherently bad. Chemically, dopamine is the basis of this addictive behavior. Dopamine is a brain chemical that makes people feel comfortable, rewarded for doing things that will help us survive and succeed in life.

In fact, dopamine helps with motivation, enjoyment, and mood management.

However, when dopamine is released as a result of interacting with sexual content, it is detrimental to your child as dopamine causes your child’s brain to focus solely on it more than anything else. And then they will want more and more pornography.

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When an adolescent experiences a dopamine rush due to film exposure, your child will:

  • Focus on this urge and will repeat whatever triggered that dopamine rush
  • Experiencing a dopamine rush at the mere thought of watching porn or re-experienced sexual imagery.
  • Developing consumer psychology – other people, especially women, become objects for consumption rather than individuals of value.
  • The bigger picture can’t be seen – instant lust for porn replaces an investment in building a romantic relationship.

The first time your child watches a sex movie or experiences sexual fantasies, the brain stores the experience. Meanwhile, dopamine sends a message to the brain regions and requires it to do it again. And then they will keep looking for even more violent movies that will with increasing demand and more and more need to make the same porn targets kid

For many teenagers, watching porn becomes as basic as food and water, and they can’t resist their attraction.

What should parents do to protect their children from pornography?

Silence is the worst choice

Unfortunately, this is a topic that parents need to deal with their children. But instead of just saying no to pornography, actively help your child understand why it is so dangerous:

  • It is highly addictive: It’s like fertilizer, regular use makes the soil dependent on it. After a while, the lawn will not grow without fertilizer.
  • Reduce satisfaction in relationships: In a meta-analysis as well as experimental research methods, there is a negative relationship between frequent pornography and intimate, sexual satisfaction in relationships with others.

That means the more your child watches adult movies, the less happy and satisfied he/she will feel in relationships with others.

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  • Adult content that distorts view about women: Instead of being genuinely interested in others, your child will be more likely to see women as disposable objects and when your child gets bored with them, he absolutely can find another object.
  • Pornography builds irrational stereotypes about people: For girls, they will try to make their bodies perfect as they see in the movies and have a higher risk of fasting or low self-esteem. As for boys, boys tend to be attracted to visuals, excitement, novelty, and video content. And they want women to dress and act like the characters they see on screen.
  • Depression: This is almost inevitable for people who watch porn regularly. Research confirms that people who view pornography are more likely to struggle with depression.
  • Violent attitudes and acts towards women

The aggression and violence against women found in most popular pornography can teach your son that aggression towards women is socially acceptable and even yes. hostility towards women.

Since then, pornography causes your child to lose their sensitivity and empathy for women, and instead your child will see women as a sexual tool. This is evident in porn films where male actors exhibit such a lack of empathy towards women that sexual abuse in these films is completely normal.

birds and bees talk

  • Pornography adversely affects brain development: We are naturally inclined towards anything that gives us instant pleasure, and pornography trains our brains to pursue porn at all costs.

Use content filtering software

Porn is inherently addictive, so with just a few viewings, your child could very well be “infatuated” with pornography.

To ensure your child’s online environment is safe and healthier, you should consider using an additional online content filtering tool – considered by many parents as one of the best free parental control software to hide 15 types of harmful content on the Internet, including:

  • Pornography
  • Horrifying content like gore, accidents, ghosts, violence, murder, terrorism, etc
  • Content about stimulants, addictive substances such as alcohol, beer, marijuana, drugs, etc
  • Content with aggressive elements, hurting others like Hate speech

This free porn blocker extension can help to minimize your child’s access to harmful content, ensuring a healthy online environment for your child but at the same time, not invading their privacy rights.

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