PornHub, the world’s most popular porn site, announced on March 24 that it will offer all the premium content worldwide for a month for free. This comes from offering free registration in Italy, Spain and France.

With all these things around this announcement, parents are more concerned than ever and looking for help to block PornHub, block porn sites and find tools for porn blockers.

Within the situation, every parent wants to know what can be done to prevent their child from watching inappropriate and pornographic content on the internet. Such as searching for porn blockers to block porn sites, block Pornhub, internet filters and parental controls.

If you are constantly concerned about your child accidentally watching porn while using the Internet, you need to do something right away to prevent it from happening before other consequences like sex addiction happen. In this post, we will show you how to block Pornhub and block porn sites on the Internet.

Block Porn sites: Parents’ dilemma

Completely not allowing your children to use the Internet is impossible. If you are so extreme like that, you are preventing your child from gaining lots of interesting learning and entertainment opportunities.

However, once you decide to hand them your smartphone or computer, you become worried that your child will watch porn on the Internet. Technology has become more and more modern, children can easily access Pornhub and many other porn sites with just one click.

pornhub block

Of course, the problem isn’t just with PornHub. During this lockdown, when children are at home, learning and entertaining online such as watching movies, playing games, the risk of them accidentally or intentionally accessing porn sites has considerably increased.

Porn distributors see this increase in time online and take advantage of it to tap into the potential for new audiences.

protect kids from porn

How to block Pornhub and other adult websites

Pornhub is a famous porn site on the internet which is known as the world’s leading porn site for free videos. Users can stream porn videos quickly and in high quality. Although the site is for adults, some kids are also looking towards it.

With its wide coverage and constant search for new potential users, parents need to prevent their children from watching porn at an age that is prone to external factors. Early exposure to porn can seriously affect a child’s mental health and physical development.

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Children who started watching porn as a child tend to be addicted to sex and make a habit of watching porn whenever they have the time and opportunity. Once addicted, children rarely spend time doing anything on the internet except watching porn videos.

Therefore, parents should block porn sites like Pornhub on their child’s device and restrict them from accessing adult content on the internet.

We will suggest a few ways to block Pornhub and some porn blockers.

How to block Pornhub in 7 ways

First Porn blocker: Content control on iPhone

If the iPhone or iPad is primarily used by children, you can lock the device using iOS parental controls. To get started, go to Settings> General> Restrictions and select Enable Restrictions.

Once the restrictions are activated, you’ll be prompted to enter a 4-digit passcode, please make sure it’s a passcode your child doesn’t know and can’t guess at all. It’s not the same as a 4-digit code you use to unlock your phone.

From here, you can disable the use of some apps and prevent access to music, podcasts, movies, TV, apps, and books by ratings.

4 negative effects of porn on your kids

To prevent your child from installing paid apps, buying movies, music, or in-app purchases, set a secure password for the iTunes account on that iPhone or iPad. Again, a password your child doesn’t know and can’t guess.

However, keep in mind that if you already have entered a password to buy something in the app, you can purchase more without re-entering the password 15 minutes later. So don’t give the phone to your child during these 15 minutes.

This is the most basic defense to stopping inappropriate content, so you should always make sure you have a good password for your account even if your kids aren’t using the device frequently.

You can change your Apple ID password by going to, clicking on the blue Manage Your Apple ID button, logging in, selecting the Password and Security option, then clicking the Change Password link.

kid accidentaally see pornographic content

Turning on the Google SafeSearch setting on your child’s web browser will block porn sites from reaching them on the internet. By turning this setting on, your kids won’t be able to search for adult or porn sites on their browsers.

As this setting is too simple and easy to use, your kids can completely turn it off.

Limit time spent online

Not only will this help your child avoid overuse of the device, protect them from Internet addiction, but it also an indirect porn blocker, reducing your child’s risk of viewing pornographic or inappropriate websites.

Screen Time is a privacy setting built into the iOS device’s operating system. If your kids are using an iPhone or iPad, you can turn on Screen Time on their device and prevent them from watching porn sites online.

help kids develop a positive digital footprint

You can decide how you want to enable these settings. You can set restrictions on your child’s iPhone or iPad and lock them with a passcode so they can’t change their password. Or, you can also manage your child’s device remotely through Apple’s Family Sharing feature. This feature is similar to other parental control solutions.

By using Screen Time, you can block pornhub and porn sites reaching your kids. You just need to adjust and review the settings regularly to ensure it works properly.

Ask your Internet Service Provider (ISP)

You can ask your internet service provider (ISP) to block Pornhub and other porn sites.

The ISP also offers parental controls, screen time management or content filters to limit your child’s exposure to porn and other harmful content.

Block non-Apple programs

Apps like Facebook, Chrome, etc. are not from Apple, so when your child uses an iPhone or iPad, your child can totally access these sites and accidentally reach inappropriate content. If the device is intended for children’s use only, do not install any applications that allow Internet access and be sure to turn off the ability to install applications.

Or you can use Guided Access, which allows your child to use that device to access specific apps while keeping them away from anything else that is not age-appropriate.

With Guided Access, you can temporarily lock some apps in your iPhone or iPad as well as turn off screen areas or hardware buttons to keep kids away from in-app purchases. To turn on Guided Access, go to Settings> General> Accessibility> Guided Access.

Once you have Guided Access enabled, open the application you want to run and click the home button three times to start Guided Access. You can select any parts of the screen that you don’t want your child to be able to click – like in-app purchases – and turn them off.

To log out, click on the home button three times and enter your passcode. Again, remember to set your passcode so the kids can’t; guess it, otherwise, they’ll freely access your phone!

More tips for blocking porn from your kids

Prevention of the Covid-19 epidemic is not only completely prevented when there is a vaccine, but it also requires international coordination and other factors to make all people vaccinated. It is the same for preventing your child from viewing pornhub or porn sites.

In fact, using technology methods to block Pornhub on your child’s device works best when combined with real conversations that help your child understand what it love, sex, relationships mean. Your child needs to distinguish between those terms. This can only be done if you invest in a valuable and friendly conversation with your child.

In addition to technical solutions for Pornhub block, there are a few other tips that can help you smartly block porn sites from your child.

porn blocker

Talk to your kids

While setting up content filtering and porn blocker settings may prevent your kids from accessing porn, they are most likely still trying to access it. The more you block, the more curiosity they will find about porn and Pornhub.

To prevent that, you should approach a different strategy, talk to your child and explain to them what porn is, why it exists on the internet and why they shouldn’t watch it.

Make this communication truly useful and emotional. Don’t scold or yell at your kids, talk to them like a true friend.

Be their good companion

Accompany your child and try to make their free time off-Internet and more valuable. You can schedule some outdoor activities with your child like swimming, camping, going to the zoo, etc.

This is a huge opportunity to get to know your child better, and on the other hand, these family-linked outdoor activities provide more chances for your child to explore other hobbies, which distract them from finding out about porn sites.

Besides, once you build a shared environment, your children feel more that they can lay trust in you, they become more easier to share their thoughts, and this is also an opportunity to understand your kids comprehensively.

block porn sites


New websites are being created into the Internet every hour, every day. Internet users are posting unsupervised content on blogs, Wiki, Social Media and other websites all day. Pornsters are always up to date with the latest technology and are developing new and more sophisticated methods to bring an innocent click to the darkest places on the virtual world.

For the child’s safety, parents need to use porn blocker to block Pornhub, block porn sites to protect children from unwanted content.

As mentioned above, we have 2 strategies for block porn sites like Pornhub block, with or without apps/softwares. To block Pornhub or other porn sites, tools and apps can completely assist you, however, you should not depend too much on them, instead, spend more time educating, listening and sharing these sensitive issues with your child.

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